Convert Case

Case converter 

Case Converter is a free online tool to convert your text from uppercase to lowercase, lowercase to uppercase, title case, sentence case, proper case, inverse case, normalized with single space and normalized with double space in a single click.

Text Converter: Copy paste your text into the box provided and then click you wish to convert the text.

Sentence case: It analyses the text then change your text under no standard writing rules will be ignored.

Text Transform: Our online title case converter gives you highly accurate results under writing rules and regulations.

All caps to Lowercase or Uppercase

Free online case converter specially designed to convert uppercase to lowercase, lowercase to uppercase, title case, sentence case, proper case, inverse case, normalized with single, double space text letter conversion available. We provide normalized with single & double space functions that other simple small converters will not provide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is uppercase and lowercase?

Writing letters in capital from is called Uppercase. If you are writing letters in small from is called Lowercase.

What is title case?

The principal letters are capitalized while writing heading or title is called "Title Case". All the starting letters are capitalized but a preposition, conjunction, articles were written in small letters unless if the sentence starts with it according to the APA rules.

What is proper case or Capitalized Case?

The proper case is also called "Capitalized Case", in this case, the first letter of each and every word is capitalized.

How to change capital letters to lowercase?

It is so simple to change text capital letters to lowercase. You need to follow below steps.

1. Copy your text which you want to change.

2. Open Case Converter.

3. Paste your text into the box.

4. Click on "lowercase".